Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reflections on a Consecrated Life - D. Todd Christofferson

  The two gifts, time and freedom of choice must be accounted for.  A consecrated life will be moving a person in the direction of God's life.  The five elements of this life are purity, work, respect for one's physical body, service and integrity.  Three things to repent of and what to replace them with:
  Stubborness --- Submission
  Rebellion --- Desire for Correction
  Rationalization --- Acceptance of all the Lord may require
  Regarding work and service, I loved the story of his grandfather and the sheep.  It is still hard to picture shearing 287 sheep without electric clippers, especially when I can't picture the manual tool that must be used to do this.
  I now know that moving towards the consecrated life will also bring the blessings of the Spirit in ways we  do not understand or expect and some of the lessons will be very hard indeed.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Gospel Learning and Teaching - David M. McConkie

Our calling is all about this talk.  It is right there for any teacher in our family to read, research and live by the advice given in this great presentation.  We are all teachers throughout our lives and therefore the principles discussed here or those alluded to by the references can raise the effectiveness of all teaching, beginning in our homes.  The four points:
First, immerse yourself in the scriptures.  Since our mission began here we have read on a program on a daily basis.  What a difference it makes in inviting and feeling the spirit in all we do.  It has been a matter of gradual improvement for me as the principles are applied more consistently.  There is always time for this in every life when committed to do it.
Second, apply in your life the things that you learn.  There are always some things that need improvement. We talk about them and make changes.  Personally, the habit of writing in my journal daily and daily scripture study have been at the top of great changes in my life.
Third, seek heaven's help.  Prayers are part of every day here in Brasil.  The part that we are working on involves taking time and "listening" or "feeling" the responses as the spirit guides our planning and when thinking about the people we are serving.
Fourth, brothers and sisters, it is of utmost importance that we exercise our agency and act, without delay, in accordance with the spiritual promptings we receive.   The "act" part of this is always a challenge.  If we are inspired to do something, interuptions, other priorities and just procrastination seem to work against this advice.  We are working together here to do better at carrying out our plans in spite of the detours that fall in our path.
We will be using this talk often in our In-service classes.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Obedience to the Prophets - Claudio R. M. Costa

  When I served in Santos, Brasil for a few weeks, Elder Costa was about 13.  I don't know when he was baptized, but probably I did not know him.  You might be interested to know that his quote from the 5th paragraph of his talk actually comes from the Portuguese edition of the triple combination, The Guide for the Study of the Scriptures.  You will not find it in your English scriptures but it is a direct translation of our Portuguese books.  That Guide is a great resource for teaching the Gospel here in Brasil.
  In his use of the "Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet," he left us the challenge to regarding the last six of the fourteen.  It was a family home evening challenge.  He said " find these principles in the words and teachings of our living prophets, seers, and revelators during this general conference."  I will make my own list of these last 6 and discuss them with Shirlyn as we read the talks.
  It would be well to read again his information regarding Brasil connected to the Second Fundamental in his talk.  The first Apostle to bless Brasil with a prophecy was Elder Melvin J. Ballard in 1925.  It is all coming to pass as we observe and serve here.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stay on the Path - Rosemary M. Wixom

  This important and timely message said "Take my hand. Hold on tight.  We will stay on the path together back to our Heavenly Father."  It then referred not only to parents and grandparents but to neighbors and friends.  Shirlyn is a new "best" friend to many little children in our meetings here in Brasil.  They run to her and she always has a smile and something in her purse to help the parents keep them calm during the meeting.
  The daily scripture reading emphasis as a habit gives children comfort with scriptural language and to hear a parent bear testimony.  It improves the spirit in the home.
  "The world will teach our children if we do not, and children are capable of learning all the world will teach them at a very young age.  What we want them to know five years from now needs to be part of our conversation with them today."  I don't remember talking to her about that "five year" thing.
  The use of the victory arch after a soccer game is engraved in my mind after so many games in our past.  What a great simile of an important truth.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Because of Your Faith - Jeffrey R. Holland

  Wow!  What a challenge to improve in the attribute of Gratitude.  The story of President Faust and his Grandmother.  To feel the omission of such a simple thing as not helping fill the wood box has hit me very hard.  Perhaps some time in each days prayers would help us identify the things we should do now to express our Gratitude some way in each day is the message I want to carry forward.  There is so much to be greatful for.  Right now, I am greatful to still have Mom and Dad to express Gratitude to them now, by writing and by Skype.  I am so greatful for our family.  Each child and grandchild is an inspiration and an addition to earthly happiness every day.

As We Meet Together Again - Thomas S. Monson

  To the young men... Seminary and Institute are the current "School of the Prophets" for us and the lessons there will remain with us.  While difficult for parents, Seminary allows choices of friends with family standards.  Today for the young families, use something from Preach My Gospel, perhaps as part of a short "Devotional" address in each Family Home Evening.
  Mature brothers and sisters... After six months here, it is evident that more senior couples are needed.  This season of life is for giving and being part of the purpose of the Church.  We feel the Hand of God in our lives every single day here and love being able to share and encourage.