Friday, November 5, 2010

Agency: Essential to the Plan of Life - Robert D. Hales

  It is interesting that the online dictionary had 10 definitions of the word "agency" and not one of them expressed the most important defininition in light of our happiness and progress.  That definition is key to our understanding the plan of salvation and happiness.  "Agency is to act with accountability and responsibility for our actions."
  I loved the story, oft repeated, of painting himself into a corner.  We do not always see the impending consequence of a choice, but perhaps with more care in our choices we can at least avoid our self-imposed consequences or corners.
  "Selective Obedience" illustrated by the story of Saul is always a risk in our lives.  Perhaps one of the most important issues with our society is the selective obedience regarding debt.  It is easy to think that debt is ok when used to start or build a business.  Isn't that different from credit card debt or other personal debt?  But his counsel is; "As we obey the counsel to avoid and get out of debt now, we use our agency and obtain the liberty to use our disposable income for helping and blessing others."  At least in this matter, are we like Saul being selectively obedient?
  We should use this test in conjunction with prayer whenever our personal wisdom seems to be contradicted by scripture or prophetic counsel.  This tool is readily available, now more than ever.
  It is wonderful that when we find ourselves "painted into a corner" we have the opportunity to repent and therefore pay the price to get back.

1 comment:

  1. When listening to Elder Hales speak in Conference. I made note that 1/3 followed the one who wanted to force others to follow and that they can only tempt us and their only joy is when we give up our agency and follow them. Our opportunities are reduced when we wrongly use our agency.
