In our time we do not hear much of the fact that many did not follow Brigham Young's counsel to "...go, now, and plant ... your ... seeds." Many left for California, some following the lure of gold. His prophecies about the Salt Lake Valley have come true over time. It begs the question; What happened to the families that went on? I have read books, not a few, on the topics mentioned giving us temporal advice but life's experiences have taught me to come back to the teachings of the living prophets. They were and are right for our time on earth.
Once again we hear about the "Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet." Elder Claudio Costa from Brasil referred to these in his earlier talk. They must be important for our time. The points define a "Prophet" by what we can look to and expect as his followers. I will not list them again but we should all read them to focus our thoughts on what it is that we hear from these men. It makes it clear that we have the source for setting the parameters of important decisions we make.
I noted when listening to him speak, that there are literally millions of self-help book on any and all subjects that lead us to get trapped on the arm of flesh. The pure truth is in God and what he reveals to his Prophets.