In Mosiah 26, there is this curious mention that some of the children of those who were taught and baptized by Alma did not believe and began to live contrary to the teachings of the Church then. This seems also to be a "Name" issue where they could not all be persuaded to honor their parents and believe, and so after prayer, Alma was told to judge them regarding their membership. What we do with the Lord's name today has consequences with the Church and also with the life hereafter.
Once again I am reminded of the "fence" illustration. If we want true freedoms now and in the life to come, we may create a "fence" in our minds and hearts and place within the fence those actions, thoughts, and even people dangerous to our eternal life, while we stay outside of this "fence" in a life of freedom. On the contrary, if we choose to participate in actions, thoughts and with people of the same contrary beliefs, we place ourselves inside this fence, looking out at "freedom" on the other side.
Then we see in this talk, the story of the cow who would not stay outside of the fence made for its protection and wherein lay the poisonous plants. How sad that the cow wanted that forbidden substance so much that the physical boundary could not keep her safe.
We are reminded that as parents, the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet gives the warnings for our children to stay out of the forbidden "fence" and stay free of the bitter consequences of poor choices.
I am so grateful for the resources the Church provides to help parents, families and leaders to keep us "free." In the city of Salvador here in Brasil, one mission president assigned some missionaries to collect all of the published material that the various other churches provided for their followers. This took several months, but at last the materials were all collected and placed on one table. Then all the materials printed here for the benefit of the members and seekers here were placed on another table. The two collections were about the same in size and amount but the cost to the members for our table's material was far less and easier to obtain.
His remarks were so good. The one about picturing the Savior by your side before you think it or do it was so visual to me. Also how important it is to honor the Saviors name and keep it holy. That our standards being kept keep us protected not restricted. The story of how George Albert Smith had a dream where his grandfather came to him and asked "What have you done with my name?" He told how George Albert Smith came from a humble home where nine lived in a two bedroom home with an enclosed in porch. But were given love, time and parents who bore their testimony to them and worked hard and payed a full tith, served missions, married in the Temple. Example is so important. Being one with the Savior cleanses our names.