The two "assignments" we have from the Lord regarding these precious spirits that Sister Cook focuses on are Faith and Purity, the two principles required for salvation. The teachings will happen in the home but as she reiterated, our example is paramount if a parent is to influence those many little choices that set the foot of a child on the path with the Iron Rod. All of us make many mistakes throughout our lives. But parents have the opportunity to help keep the mistakes within the bounds of repentance for those children.
All seven of our children are parents now. What a blessing you each have to set the example of faith in your lives. Joseph Smith's mother, Lucy "also solved family problems by privately seeking the Lord's help through prayer. One day, experiencing discord in her family regarding the subject of religion, Lucy said she "retired to a grove of handsome wild cherry trees not far distant and prayed to the Lord." Could that example have something to do with what Joseph later did in the Sacred Grove? Do you have a grove or grove substitute nearby?
"Next, be an example of the believers in purity." Some suggestions:
- Use the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet in your family.
- Give your message with clarity that the Spirit will confirm your message.
- Model what is virtuous and lovely.
- Help your children identify examples of the believers they can trust and emulate.
- Start today.
When I listened to Sister Cooks message these are some of my thoughts. Never do anything that we don't want our children to do. If we have one hand on the rod and one hand on the world we lose the confidence of our children by our poor example. We are raising tomorrows leaders. They deserve THE BEST that is within us!