This story of the scorpion sting was almost a perfect description of the sting Shirlyn received walking barefoot in the kitchen in the Rowel house. Robby was a witness of the intense pain and suffering she went through. She thought she was going to die. It caused extreme pain to her and distress to us.
This "full purpose of heart" is the instruction to us to avoid the spiritual pain that will be the consequence of our failure to soften our hearts towards others. It is one of those teachings that cause me to search my heart in relation to the daily things that present themselves. I loved President Faust's quote; "When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block..."
"... Obedience leads to true freedom. The more we obey revealed truth, the more we become liberated."
And the closing testimony; "Not one of you has thrown away your last chance. You can change, you can come back, you can claim mercy. Come unto the only One who can heal, and you will find peace."
What a talk! I loved the example of the scorpion sting in relation to obedience. I too have suffered the sting of scorpions. Once when I was fifteen and then as an adult. Living in the Arizona Desert and in houses that had been built where scorpions and rattlers made there home first, I was often told to put my shoes on - but liked the feel of the cool floor tiles on my bare feet too much and didn't always obey. The pain was almost more than I could bare the first time so why I'd ever risk it happening again is a mystery to me. It surprised me that something that seemed so small could cause so much pain for so long a time. We truely are not being restricted when we choose obedience. Obedience truly makes us able to enjoy more of what God has intended for our lives.