Thursday, December 30, 2010

Courageous Parenting - Larry R. Lawrence

  Children grow up and as they do, parents are given hind sight.  As grandparents it is a perspective that allows recognition of good decisions made, counsel followed and gratitude for those results seen in the lives of new families being created and taught.  "The saddest words of tongue or pen are those four words; it might have been."  This truth also comes to us when we look back and wonder which attitude, action or inaction might have brought suffering or unhappiness into the life of a child.  Brother Lawrence here sets out some of the dangers that may be avoided by specific parental guidance.  Guidance given to "get her off the tracks..." of an oncoming train so to speak.

  • Parenting is not a popularity contest
  • Husbands and Wives must be united when making parenting decisions and decisions must be guided by the Spirit - refer to the letter from a heart broken mother regarding her son
  • When morality is involved, we have the right and obligation to raise a warning
  • Nothing really good happens late at night
  • Regarding sleepovers, respond to that warning voice inside
  • Five fundamentals: 1-Family Prayer, 2-Family Scripture Study, 3-Family Home Evening, 4-Family Dinner Together, 5-Regular One-on-one Interviews
  • Counseling requires courage
  We live ever changing lives and parents have their own challenges while they are raising the children so I will add that you must have patience and never, ever give up.

1 comment:

  1. As he spoke I heard loudly that there are no perfect parents. That as parents we need to be strong. We are responsible for protection both spiritually and physically. I also felt strongly about his comment about it being a parents right and obligation to raise a warning voice when it comes to morality. Once a parent, always a parent!
