Once again the words of this great man in his role as "prophet, seer and revelator" (ponder those three words well) has given us foundational counsel for this time. First, he tells us how he approached this discourse. He "prayed and pondered" to learn about us. He reminded us that God knows us individually and therefore knows our needs. Then as the word of the Lord came he says; "I am to build trust in God and His servants enough that we will go out and obey His counsel. He wants that because He loves us and wants our happiness. And He knows how a lack of trust in Him brings sadness."
I would like to focus on the story he told that began; "That trust has blessed my life and the lives of my family." The story that followed told how by following the counsel of President Ezra Taft Benson in the conference in 1980 he found a way to be totally out of debt including his mortgage. What a great lesson in that story. I recommend that all my family go back to that talk in the November, 1980 Ensign. Don't argue in your mind about the principles there. Just commit to follow it somehow. The Lord will make it possible.
Of all the many mistakes I see in the stories of my life, that part regarding debt has been the most difficult for me to follow and in not following has brought the most heartache and distress. That basic counsel regarding debt has been the same since the beginning of the Church. I now know without doubt that it applies to all debt, including "business debt." Now it comes again from President Eyring.
The other two sub-topics we need to remember in humility. Trust in God can bless communities and nations as well as families. I believe with this talk he fulfilled his charge that resulted from his prayer and pondering. Trust in God, Then Go and Do - now, not tomorrow.
The comments I made when listening to President Eyring give this talk in Conference were to: Trust in God, obey His counsel, obey His commandments no matter how hard they may seem to us at the time. God has revealed Himself enough to trust Him. TRUST GOD ENOUGH TO LISTEN TO HIM IN EVERY SERVANT IN THIS CONFERENCE AND THEN GO & DO!!!!!