Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Three Rs of Choice - Thomas S. Monson

  The Three Rs:

  1.   The right of choice.
  2.   The responsibility of choice.
  3.   The results of choice.
  The right to choose was the gift next only to life on earth given to us by God.  Our responsibility is to use the spirit we came with and the learning we obtain to make the correct choices.  The results are the promised blessings or consequences that follow.
  Once again in this talk we see the name of Brother Clayton M. Christensen mentioned as an example.  I have referred to him in other settings in the past.  In this case, an early choice regarding the observance of the Sabbath demonstrated well the three Rs.  The same kind of choice was made by the building contractor for the Costco companies who won a contract with them which had a short time commitment.  He told them he would meet the time requirement but would not cause his employees to work on Sunday.  He became the preferred contractor.  The three Rs once again demonstrated clearly.
  Our individual use of the three Rs will probably not be as public but the results will be the same to us.  When we focus on a decision based on the three Rs, and then notice the results, it would be good to record the "signature" of God in the results lest we forget this pattern when a blessing is received.  Ask and answer these questions regarding an important choice:

  •   What was the choice and what principle or commandment was followed (or not followed)?
  •   What was involved in the responsibility of that choice?
  •   What result followed and did it show the signature of God?
  This makes for a great entry in your journal.

1 comment:

  1. When I read President Monson's talk to the Priesthood. The hymn came to me...."choose the right, when a choice is placed before the right, the Holy Spirit guides....there's a right and a wrong to every question....when in the right your hearts confides....choose the right, choose the right, let wisdom mark the way the light, choose the right, and God will bless you every more." I might be a little off on the lyrics but the message is very clear!
