Thursday, December 30, 2010

Courageous Parenting - Larry R. Lawrence

  Children grow up and as they do, parents are given hind sight.  As grandparents it is a perspective that allows recognition of good decisions made, counsel followed and gratitude for those results seen in the lives of new families being created and taught.  "The saddest words of tongue or pen are those four words; it might have been."  This truth also comes to us when we look back and wonder which attitude, action or inaction might have brought suffering or unhappiness into the life of a child.  Brother Lawrence here sets out some of the dangers that may be avoided by specific parental guidance.  Guidance given to "get her off the tracks..." of an oncoming train so to speak.

  • Parenting is not a popularity contest
  • Husbands and Wives must be united when making parenting decisions and decisions must be guided by the Spirit - refer to the letter from a heart broken mother regarding her son
  • When morality is involved, we have the right and obligation to raise a warning
  • Nothing really good happens late at night
  • Regarding sleepovers, respond to that warning voice inside
  • Five fundamentals: 1-Family Prayer, 2-Family Scripture Study, 3-Family Home Evening, 4-Family Dinner Together, 5-Regular One-on-one Interviews
  • Counseling requires courage
  We live ever changing lives and parents have their own challenges while they are raising the children so I will add that you must have patience and never, ever give up.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Receive the Holy Ghost - David A. Bednar

  A convert probably has no more nor less understanding of this gift than the eight year old receiving it from the hands of his or her father.  It is only by following the admonitions of the sacrament prayers and then sincerely desiring this gift that we become ready to "receive" it as the confirmation prayer is said.  Then it is not just there, we have to appropriately invite the Spirit into our life.  The Spirit however, only comes in response to the request when we faithfully obey the commandments.
  The distractions of the world in our lives keep us from this simple path.  We are surrounded each day by a myriad of thoughts introduced by our environment, so remembering this path must become part of us every day and making new approaches to being ready to hear the Spirit.
  One day, knocking on doors (we usually clapped at the gate) Elder Stewart and I were tired and it was almost lunch time.  "Let's go down to the end of this short street before we quit." I said, feeling the influence as a result of fasting and a specific prayer that morning.  
  "Oh, please come in;" exclaimed a smiling, welcoming Zulmira and her daughter.  "We have been expecting you." We entered and taught the lessons to her and her daughter.  They were prepared.  They already seemed to know the things we were teaching.  About ten days later, after their baptism and visiting in their home she said; "I want to show you something."  She went into the next room and came back with a copy of the Book of Mormon.  "Two women missionaries left this with us years ago and we read it.  They never came back."
  I have begun reading To the Rescue about the life of Thomas S. Monson.  Rob recommend it to us.  It is all about following the guidance of the Spirit.  Some learn this early, some of us later, but we all must learn it to know in this life the truth of our brother Jesus Christ and then when and how we should act as a result of that witness.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Priesthood of Aaron - L. Tom Perry

  This is the talk that I believe Elder Perry wanted to give to the Priesthood Meeting on Saturday.  I called to my mind the older generation, the times, choices, activities, challenges, disappointments and winnings of those years of youth.  Now I am reminded that I conferred this Priesthood of Aaron upon each of my four sons at their appropriate time and I believe that each one would say that overall it has made a difference.  Shirlyn is however, the person who directed their feet to the Eagle Scout badge mentioned here also.
  Now I look at this next generation of eight new warriors who will sooner than you know be candidates for this preparatory priesthood with its three offices of responsibility.  They will reach that age of 12 when the latter-day prophets have determined is the appropriate time.  They will follow in this order:

  • Max
  • Justin
  • Gavin
  • Brady
  • Timothy J.
  • Austin
  • Levi
  • Royce
  At that time the world will not be any better or safer for them to begin but it will have the same direction of good parents and teachers showing the way.  The commandments will be explained.  The decisions will become such that mistakes will be made.  The gifts of faith and repentance will begin to have place in each day and parents will have less presence during hours away from the safety of home.  In each day these warriors will need to confront alone the dangers that are presented in our world.  Therefore, I will say to them as they prepare for this time, what Elder Perry told his grandson Terry:

  1. Keep your body healthy and clean
  2. Develop your mind and become wise
  3. Be strong and resist temptation in a world filled with it
  4. Trust in the Lord, especially when you need His protection
  This advice was based on the story of Daniel in the Old Testament.  Referring to this story and the many others in the scriptures he counseled:  "These stories in the scriptures will never grow old.  They will be just as exciting for you when you're reading them as a deacon, a teacher, a priest, a missionary, a home teacher, an elders quorum president, or whatever the Lord calls on you to do.  They will teach you to have faith, courage, love for your fellowman, confidence, and trust in the Lord."
  As I watch this priesthood in action in this far away land, I see the same reverence and power here as the young men prepare and pass the sacrament.  The same attitudes that Elder Perry explained in this talk.  Even though the meetings here are not part of a stake or ward like the ones your young men are part of, the priesthood is the same.  They are being taught here by men with testimonies and challenged as you will be to live as the Lord has patterned for you.
  And then his challenge for you as parents who may be reading this summary; "Parents of these magnificent young men and women, we charge you with the sacred responsibility of teaching your children the doctrines of the holy priesthood.  Your children must learn at an early age of the blessing of having the Lord's eternal priesthood and what they must do individually to qualify for these blessings."
  We know, as grandparents of these eight young warriors that the preparation is being done and we thank you.  Our prayers are alive with this hope and blessing.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Divine Gift of Gratitude - Thomas S. Monson

  "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all the others." (Cicero)  Now you won't find this quotation in President Monson's talk, but if you are taking the time to read the conference talks you are also given the references which are often very informative in and of themselves.  There are several in this discourse that indicate the kind of books that the Prophet reads or is given.  Check out #12 from which his quote was taken.  It is from a very recent collection of quotations Change Your Life by Allen Klein and from which the quotation above was taken.  What a great resource for all of us who speak, teach or inspire.  
  Today in our sacrament meeting, Gabriel, a 17 year old here gave a talk.  It was based on this very conference talk which I had just read this morning.  A blessing because I was able to discuss the scripture reference in Luke afterward with him.  I was then able to express my gratitude that the inspiration to use this talk in his very mature presentation was a blessing to me.
   As I pondered the Luke 17 story of the 10 Lepers, I could see that the percentages here in Ipatinga are about the same as the activity in the church here.  About one in ten members attend church in spite of the great work that has been done by the Lord sending all those past missionaries here to give them the gift of the Gospel and of the Holy Ghost.  In this case, how will the Lord know that they are "grateful?"
  We are warned here that "the loss of loved ones almost inevitably brings some regrets to our hearts.  Let's minimize such feelings as much as humanly possible by frequently expressing our love and gratitude to them.  We never know how soon it will be too late."  
  Once again it will take effort on our part to reach the level he has taught; "... at least until we have truly learned and cultivated an attitude of gratitude."  Intentions don't work here as he quotes "feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." (see reference #12)
  I am grateful for this Blog which has really been a help in keeping my commitment to read all the talks this year.  I am grateful for my family members, every one of you.  I thank those of you who have commented on this effort, especially Shirlyn who hasn't missed a one.  

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Two Lines of Communication - Dallin H. Oaks

  This is such a great example of the real need for the Church and its Prophets, Seers and Revelators.  To separate the two lines of communication makes it so clear.  Most members of our family are daily influenced by our Personal Line of communication.  When we are obedient and partakers of the sacrament that line is greatly enhanced, giving daily help in understanding our life and our family.  In several talks this conference, the worthy, regular partaking of the sacrament has been emphasized, therefore it is important that we participate, ponder and thereby access our Personal Line during each day.  
  The Priesthood Line is of importance also, to be able to provide service, teaching and organization to benefit and lift the members of the Church.  Without the influence of this line, we become self centered and left on our own and the use of the Personal Line is turned into our wisdom leaving the door open to error and reliance upon worldly philosophy.
  My own example I state like this:
    Many people and religious organizations build a "fenced area" and put God and Religion outside of that fence while they build their world inside free from having to expand their understanding.  One Church has claimed that revelation from God ceased with Christ and is no longer necessary, thereby putting revelation outside their fence.  This lets them label those who claim or seek revelation as outsiders.  Inside their fence they can allow behaviors specifically forbidden by the most basic of the commandments of God by rationalizing the OK'ness of their own deviations.
    I prefer to make my fence a place where I can place philosophies, deviations from commandments, decisions outside the statements of our leaders, habits that deter personal spiritual progress and even the influence of people who practice or espouse such things.  Once inside this fence, my efforts are to always choose to keep these things inside that fence, giving me the greatest freedom outside of it.  In this example I like to think of the "fence posts" as the foundational principles we have been given by the Prophets.
  It gives me great comfort to understand and use these two great lines, especially now on this mission full of difficult challenges but great opportunities.  We see the hand of God working here every day in some way and for that Shirlyn and I are most grateful.  We also on this Christmas day are so grateful for every member of our family and your support.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Be an Example of the Believers - Mary N. Cook

  The sixth word in this talk is Ruby.  A few days later and along came our Ruby. Her Grandmother was not there to make those thoughtful observations but I know hers would be the same.  "Oh, we have to teach Ruby how to be a virtuous woman, pure and priceless as her name implies."  I know that this Ruby's Mom, Amy has already begun and I know she started on that very day also.
  The two "assignments" we have from the Lord regarding these precious spirits that Sister Cook focuses on are Faith and Purity, the two principles required for salvation.  The teachings will happen in the home but as she reiterated, our example is paramount if a parent is to influence those many little choices that set the foot of a child on the path with the Iron Rod.  All of us make many mistakes throughout our lives. But parents have the opportunity to help keep the mistakes within the bounds of repentance for those children.
  All seven of our children are parents now.  What a blessing you each have to set the example of faith in your lives.  Joseph Smith's mother, Lucy "also solved family problems by privately seeking the Lord's help through prayer.  One day, experiencing discord in her family regarding the subject of religion, Lucy said she "retired to a grove of handsome wild cherry trees not far distant and prayed to the Lord."  Could that example have something to do with what Joseph later did in the Sacred Grove?  Do you have a grove or grove substitute nearby?
  "Next, be an example of the believers in purity."  Some suggestions:

  • Use the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet in your family.
  • Give your message with clarity that the Spirit will confirm your message.
  • Model what is virtuous and lovely.
  • Help your children identify examples of the believers they can trust and emulate.
  • Start today.
  It is my prayer that all of us will be those examples that little Ruby will need one day soon.  She has a wonderful start in her home.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Holy Ghost and Revelation - Jay E. Jensen

  We all find our own way to the faith and actions that lead to the witness given by the Holy Ghost.  In this case, it was during his mission in San Antonio about the same time I was serving in Brasil.  In my case, the first memory of that was in Roanoke, Virginia when I was seven years old.  In both cases it had to do with one of the "four essential cornerstones of the Church."  For Elder Jensen it was the quest to know (receive the revelation) through the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  For me it was the Joseph Smith First Vision and memorizing and presenting those five verses.  The Spirit will give that assurance about truth whenever the door is opened to receive it.  That is a revelation.
  We all have this swarm of bees darting around in our heads every minute and it is hard for that still small voice to make itself heard.  We have to divert the bees for awhile and open ourselves in heart and mind to recognize when the Spirit is attempting communication.   Step away from the beehive and ask the important questions.  Then listen.  When we feel the response, it is often not what we expect and we may not see the wisdom or purpose of it at the beginning or sometimes not in this life.  Be patient and watch for the confirmation of the source and the result.  Then acknowledge what is given and the blessing that you were given to be part of it.
  The four cornerstones:

  1. The Book of Mormon
  2. Joseph Smith's First Vision
  3. The Restoration of the Priesthood
  4. Our Testimony of Jesus Christ
  As a result of these foundation stones, we have our personal assignments.  We need revelation from time to time.  We are spiritual beings and that spirit resides now in a temporal home.  Our spirit is in there but we forget how it is connected.  Over 30 times in the Old Testament the phrase "... and he slept with his fathers..." referring to death as sleep occurs.  Explained, it means that the spirit left the body much as it does in deep sleep.  We don't understand this well or remember much but the spirit has no earthly barriers.  Revelation may come as visions or dreams.  "Pay attention to a significant dream," we are told.  Shirlyn has counseled to write down your dream as soon as you wake from it.  
  Other promptings or revelations and perhaps the most frequent involve another person or family.  Make the visit.  Call.  Email. Skype if possible.  Pleasant blessings will occur.  "Take away the Book of Mormon and the revelations, and where is our religion?"  (Joseph Smith)
  My testimony is firmly planted on the four cornerstones above.  I bear witness of this work and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cleansing the Inner Vessel - Boyd K. Packer

  Perhaps we see here in Ipatinga how absolute is Elder Packer's comment; "... a time when there is such confusion and such danger that our young people hardly know which way they can walk."  It is searingly hot here in the summer afternoons right now.  Humidity unknown in Arizona is here every day.  The people here dress accordingly.  Even the grown men, many of them are seen in public with no shirts.  The girls and some women wear spaghetti straps or no straps at all on their tops and the cloth shirt stops well above the navel.  The shorts or pants often appear sprayed on commencing below the navel.  Often this exposure reveals part of the tattoo.  Dress seems to be an invitation or an admission of erroneous and often deadly choice, not just to stay comfortable.
  Elder Packer quotes the "old saying" "The Lord is voting for me, and Lucifer is voting against me, but it is my vote that counts."  I have not a memory of this "old saying" and neither has Shirlyn so we felt much younger when we heard it.  It is true however.  We only have one real enemy in this life and we must use our vote strongly and often against him.
  We have heard however, the old saw "The devil made me do it."  "NOT SO!" We must not ever use that excuse for inappropriate choices.  We have the key to slow down and make informed and correct choices.
  He once again draws the clear line for us between the great blessings of correct use of the powers of procreation and the certain consequences of sinful behavior.  Where there is a problem in a life here, this talk bears reading again.
  I love the story he told about the kitten in the classroom.  "Is it a boy kitty or a girl kitty?"  "How can you tell?"  "You can vote on it!"  (Read this again in FHE.)  We see today the blatant "voting" to "... alter the designs of God's laws and nature.  A law against nature would be impossible to enforce.  For instance, what good would a vote against the law of gravity do?"
  And then; "Every soul confined in a prison of sin, guilt, or perversion has a key to the gate.  ... repentance. ...If you know how to use this key, the adversary cannot hold you."
  And his promise; "I promise that ahead of you is peace and happiness for you and your family.  The ultimate end of all activity in the Church is that a man and his wife and their children can be happy at home."

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Trust in God, Then Go and Do - Henry B. Eyring

  Once again the words of this great man in his role as "prophet, seer and revelator" (ponder those three words well) has given us foundational counsel for this time.  First, he tells us how he approached this discourse.  He "prayed and pondered" to learn about us.  He reminded us that God knows us individually and therefore knows our needs.  Then as the word of the Lord came he says; "I am to build trust in God and His servants enough that we will go out and obey His counsel.  He wants that because He loves us and wants our happiness.  And He knows how a lack of trust in Him brings sadness."
  I would like to focus on the story he told that began; "That trust has blessed my life and the lives of my family."  The story that followed told how by following the counsel of President Ezra Taft Benson in the conference in 1980 he found a way to be totally out of debt including his mortgage.  What a great lesson in that story.  I recommend that all my family go back to that talk in the November, 1980 Ensign.  Don't argue in your mind about the principles there.  Just commit to follow it somehow.  The Lord will make it possible.  
  Of all the many mistakes I see in the stories of my life, that part regarding debt has been the most difficult for me to follow and in not following has brought the most heartache and distress.  That basic counsel regarding debt has been the same since the beginning of the Church.  I now know without doubt that it applies to all debt, including "business debt."  Now it comes again from President Eyring.
  The other two sub-topics we need to remember in humility.  Trust in God can bless communities and nations as well as families.  I believe with this talk he fulfilled his charge that resulted from his prayer and pondering.  Trust in God, Then Go and Do - now, not tomorrow.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Three Rs of Choice - Thomas S. Monson

  The Three Rs:

  1.   The right of choice.
  2.   The responsibility of choice.
  3.   The results of choice.
  The right to choose was the gift next only to life on earth given to us by God.  Our responsibility is to use the spirit we came with and the learning we obtain to make the correct choices.  The results are the promised blessings or consequences that follow.
  Once again in this talk we see the name of Brother Clayton M. Christensen mentioned as an example.  I have referred to him in other settings in the past.  In this case, an early choice regarding the observance of the Sabbath demonstrated well the three Rs.  The same kind of choice was made by the building contractor for the Costco companies who won a contract with them which had a short time commitment.  He told them he would meet the time requirement but would not cause his employees to work on Sunday.  He became the preferred contractor.  The three Rs once again demonstrated clearly.
  Our individual use of the three Rs will probably not be as public but the results will be the same to us.  When we focus on a decision based on the three Rs, and then notice the results, it would be good to record the "signature" of God in the results lest we forget this pattern when a blessing is received.  Ask and answer these questions regarding an important choice:

  •   What was the choice and what principle or commandment was followed (or not followed)?
  •   What was involved in the responsibility of that choice?
  •   What result followed and did it show the signature of God?
  This makes for a great entry in your journal.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Serve with the Spirit - Henry B. Eyring

  The power of this presentation is like having eyes opened to knowledge we had but don't use well.  While given to the Priesthood, this talk was applicable in other settings also.  That challenge at the beginning is direct and unavoidable: "We have been called to use divine power to serve the children of our Heavenly Father.  How well we meet that obligation will have eternal consequences for those we are called to serve and for us and for generations yet unborn."
  Suggestions he gave:
  •   "... never miss an opportunity to participate with all our hearts with all our hearts in the promise offered in every sacrament meeting ... to "take upon them the name of [God's] Son, and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them; that they may always have his Spirit to be with them.""
  •   "... pray for the manifestations of the Holy Ghost to come to us in our service."
  •   Ponder.  "But when we ponder, we invite revelation by the Spirit.  Pondering, to me, is the thinking and the praying I do after reading and studying in the scriptures carefully.
  •   "... magnification of our power to serve will come as we respond with faith to go forward in our callings with the Holy Ghost to help us."
  • President Monson:  "And how does one magnify a calling?  Simply by performing the service that pertains to it."
  •   "I urge all of us, young and old, who are called to speak in a meeting in the name of the Lord to dismiss our feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy.  We don't have to use soaring language or convey deep insights.  Simple words of testimony will do.  The Spirit will give you the words for you to speak and will carry them down into the hearts of humble people who look for truth from God."
  •   And from President George Q. Cannon;  "Whenever darkness fills our minds, we may know that we are not possessed of the Spirit of God. ... When we are filled with the Spirit of God we are filled with joy, with peace, and with happiness, no matter what our circumstances may be; for it is a spirit of cheerfulness and of happiness.  The Lord has given unto us the gift of the Holy Ghost.  It is our privilege to have that Holy Ghost reign within us, so that from morning till night and from night till morning we shall have the joy, the light and the revelation thereof."
  It was not in my power to use more effective words than these to summarize this talk than those above. We need to recognize the influence of the Spirit, give thanks when we feel and use it and always remember him in every decision and situation.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pride and the Priesthood - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

  This wonderful talk full of counsel about pride left us all identified as the focus of the matter.  Without publicly exposing my own struggles with this precept, I will comment on other instances of experience and observation.  He put sports right there on the table for examination.  Church sports has been the lab case for many as they try to live the gospel while winning.  The desire to be number ONE for self or team has been the open sore for many.  Well I remember two very well thought of leaders of one stake who got into it on the floor of the "game."  It was so disrespectful and sad.  That stake president declared the ultimate sanction for them both.  They were banished from the floor of play.  I don't know if it was just a suspension or a lifetime prohibition, but both players soon moved out of the stake.  How sad.
  Another observation regards justice in our system.  I have heard from some about some great victory won in the courts and how well the legal representative prevailed.  Not much is said about the rightness or even justice of the outcome.
  On the other hand, when we ponder an event precipitated by "I am right and he, she or they are wrong" we must be quiet in our spirit and allow the Lord to mark for us the way to peace the road to which us almost always real humility.
  To quote; "Pride is the deadly cancer. ... This sin has many faces.  It leads some to revel in their own perceived self-worth, accomplishments, talents, wealth or position.  They count these blessings as evidence of being "chosen," "superior," or "more righteous" than others.  This is the sin of "Thank God I am more special than you."  At its core is the desire to be admired or envied.  It is the sin of self-glorification."
  "Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom." (Proverbs 13:10)
  Since this talk was given to the priesthood, it can be assumed that we are the group most guilty of the sin and in need of this wisdom and challenge.  Because priesthood callings sometimes put us in front of members of the wards and stakes, it must always be considered in light of the temptation to be prideful in this sense.
  Like brother Uchtdorf, I am "proud" of my family in every respect.  They exemplify to me the great hope of the eternal promises made to us as fathers, mothers, and seekers of truth.
  On this topic, there is an insightful article in Mormon Times, The Anatomy of a Real Apology that also referenced a book that might be helpful; "I Only Say This Because I Love You."  I have not yet read it but it is available on the Kindle.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Come unto Me with Full Purpose of Heart, and I Shall Heal You - Patrick Kearon

  This story of the scorpion sting was almost a perfect description of the sting Shirlyn received walking barefoot in the kitchen in the Rowel house.  Robby was a witness of the intense pain and suffering she went through.  She thought she was going to die.  It caused extreme pain to her and distress to us.
  This "full purpose of heart" is the instruction to us to avoid the spiritual pain that will be the consequence of our failure to soften our hearts towards others.  It is one of those teachings that cause me to search my heart in relation to the daily things that present themselves.  I loved President Faust's quote; "When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block..."
  "... Obedience leads to true freedom.  The more we obey revealed truth, the more we become liberated."
  And the closing testimony; "Not one of you has thrown away your last chance.  You can change, you can come back, you can claim mercy.  Come unto the only One who can heal, and you will find peace."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Be Thou an Example of the Believers - Russell M. Nelson

  To the priesthood this speech let us know once again that we are all missionaries, whether it be full-time as Shirlyn and I find ourselves now or a member of a ward or branch. For the young men and women serving it is a time full of opportunity to actually feel the power of the Spirit while teaching.  I am impressed that we have the promise of the spirit with us when keeping the commandments, but my experience tells me that the witness of the Spirit is liberated in us when we are teaching the gospel principles.  During such times, the Spirit gives us power to teach and takes the witness to any seeker after truth on that occasion.
  The challenge in this talk included specifically, "Each Sunday extend a hand of fellowship to at least one person you did not know before.  Each day of your life, strive to enlarge your own circle of friendship."  This was followed by that great experience where he gave his copy of the Book of Mormon to a couple who were friends.  What a challenge he gave them after their "thanks a lot" was challenged as he knew they had not read it.
  Every day we meet people who fit that category of "there are many yet on the earth ... who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it."
  I was impressed by his short challenge regarding using our blogs and online social networks.  This blog is my first real hands-on experience with a blog and it is not so difficult to master.  This blog has a specific purpose and will be completed this month.  My next project using a blog will reach out to a broader group of our family members that will follow his recommendation here.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Transforming Power of Faith and Character - Richard G. Scott

  When Elder Scott was in our home he left a connection with our family.  They were young and he found the way to connect with them by building some paper airplanes sitting on the floor of the family room.  Then in his suit, he went outside with them and flew them.  He was then and still is what he teaches us.
  There is so much in this talk that it needs to be read and pondered to be understood personally.  Some influential quotes I like:

  • Faith in the future is demonstrated by a couple sealed in the temple.  ...when the challenges intended to be growth opportunities come, they will find ways, as prompted by the Holy Ghost, to overcome them in ways that are productive and character building.
  • ...character is not developed in moments of great challenge or temptation.  That is when it is intended to be used.
  • Hugh B. Brown said: "Wherever in life great spiritual values await man's appropriation, only faith can appropriate them.  Man cannot live without faith, because in life's adventure the central problem is character building - which is not the product of logic, but of faith in ideals and sacrificial devotion to them."
  • Thus every time you try your faith - that is, act in worthiness on an impression - you will receive the confirming evidence of the Spirit.
  • Be thankful that sometimes God lets you struggle for a long time before that answer comes.
  • Your happiness on earth as well as your eternal salvation require many correct decisions, none of which is difficult to make.
  • You cannot be passive in life, or in time the natural man will undermine your efforts to live worthily.
  • Satan's increasing influence in the world is allowed to provide an atmosphere in which to prove ourselves.  While he causes havoc today, Satan's final destiny was fixed by Jesus Christ through His Atonement and the Resurrection.
  It seems there is no end to adversity, pride, covetous desires, contention or other challenges in the quest for character and that is as it should be during this life.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Never Leave Him - Neil L. Andersen

  This is so timely here in our area of Brasil.  In this district, the leaders here have told us that over 30 returned missionaries have "left Him."  We hope events will bring some of them back during our stay but access is hard. 
  The story of Frederick G. Williams brings us to his family connection with JR Price and the calling of one of his great grandchildren: (From my Journal)

        In the early fall of 1926, Elder Melvin J. Ballard spoke at the Phoenix Ward just after returning from opening the South American Mission.  My grandfather, James Robert Price was the bishop of the ward at that time.  One of the attendees at that meeting was a young man, Frederick S. Williams.  Brother Williams had not been considering a mission at that time, but this talk was a pivotal point in his life.  Soon after, Bishop Price interviewed him for a mission.  He was sent with another young man from the ward, Paul Davis.  Soon after, J.R. Price was called to be the Stake President of the Phoenix Stake from which Elder Williams left for his mission.
  Upon receiving my mission call to Brazil, the first person I called to announce this news to was my Grandfather, James Robert Price, the then President of the Mesa Temple.  Upon telling him that I had my call, he calmly told me that I was going to Brazil!  How did he know?
  Now we know of Fredrick G. Williams (a grandchild of Frederick S. Williams) again as the Temple President in Recife, Brasil.  He was the Assistant to President Bangerter when I arrived on my mission in 1962.
  From this article, I emphasize that we all have only one "personal enemy."  We will always have mortal animosities between people, but remember they are caused by the success of the Enemy who lives his marks on each of us in offences, accusations, contention, then counter-accusations.  Peter warned, "your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." He is the cause of the wars down to the personal dis-affections of our times. They are only temporary. Our acquiescence is more permanent, less we repent.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Temple Mirrors of Eternity: A Testimony of Family - Gerrit W. Gong

After reading this talk, I was humbled to learn and then research some interesting points.  He mentioned that Gerrit de Jong, Jr. was an influence on his mother Jean Gong.  I remember well brother Gerrit de Jong as he taught Portuguese there at BYU and during the one semester that I was there, he was my teacher and I was able to test out 16 credit hours of A in Portuguese.
Our family should know a few things about us.  Sunday, November 21 will the the birthday of Nonny Allen’s grandfather, Charles Marsteller Alexander.  We should all have a party for him in our family that evening!  Before calling Mom and Dad, on Wednesday, I checked for birthdays in our line and found that Charles Marsteller Alexander was born on November 21, 1846.  On the phone call, Mom was pleased to remember this and told me that he lived with them in the Palm Lane house for many years.  This is her grandfather.  His wife had died in 1913.  He used to get up and fix toast with sugar for Mom and her siblings.  He also liked to sit on the porch and chew tobacco, spitting it in the bushes nearby!  Dad said that his grandfather also had that habit and that it was not uncommon among members of the Church in that time.  I’m sure they have both kicked the habit where they are now. Grandfather Alexander would get on the street car and go get his haircut.  One day he fell from the street car and no one saw him so he laid there until an acquaintance of the family who knew him helped him get home.  He had a broken leg which then never fully mended and he died from it.
Now some perspective about the eternal nature of what we are about in this earth life.  Brother Gong said that he is in the 33rd generation of his direct line.  Well the software that I use has an icon labeled “treetops.”  This creates a report of all the direct lines from any person to the earliest ancestor in the record.  I am in the 26th generation of that oldest treetop.  The treetop person is Johannes De Kawode of England, born about 1200 AD.  I could list all of those direct line people, all 26 of them but you would put this aside for “later.”  Just a few points:
John Cawood, a Printer was born in1514 in Cawood, England.  The appellation, printer was somehow attached to his name.  If you know a little history, you know that this was the time that printing was changing the world.  Now copies of one document or book could be made after one “setup.”  People began to be able to read the Bible and other important things.  This began the turmoil that caused many of our ancestors to leave England shortly thereafter and set the stage for the Restoration of the the Church of Christ.
Some generations later, Mary Virginia Marsteller, another direct ancestor in this line, married Henry Samuel Alexander on October 12, 1845 in Nauvoo, Illinois.
The rest is history or so they say.
Now, that is a lot of people when you look at the 26 individuals and all of the children born into these families and their families down to today.  Every one of them had a story.  Can you imagine the stories!  Many were part of the great historical events that changed their lives and of course ours too.  Because of the love of the Savior for all of us and them, they can all repent and be baptized in our time.  What a blessing.
This information was at a dead end for many years until Rick Price engineered the break-through with some help of others.  That is another story in and of itself.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Our Very Survival - Kevin R. Duncan

  In our time we do not hear much of the fact that many did not follow Brigham Young's counsel to "...go, now, and plant ... your ... seeds."  Many left for California, some following the lure of gold.  His prophecies about the Salt Lake Valley have come true over time.  It begs the question; What happened to the families that went on?  I have read books, not a few, on the topics mentioned giving us temporal advice but life's experiences have taught me to come back to the teachings of the living prophets.  They were and are right for our time on earth.
  Once again we hear about the "Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet."  Elder Claudio Costa from Brasil referred to these in his earlier talk.  They must be important for our time.  The points define a "Prophet" by what we can look to and expect as his followers.  I will not list them again but we should all read them to focus our thoughts on what it is that we hear from these men.  It makes it clear that we have the source for setting the parameters of important decisions we make.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Faith-the Choice is Yours - Richard C. Edgley

  You can boil all the confusion and temptation down to his suggestion;  "That choice is faith."  To make that choice to have faith requires us to ask and then follow Alma's 7 words to be used following our choice to have faith.

  1. Awake
  2. Arouse
  3. Experiment
  4. Exercise
  5. Desire
  6. Work
  7. Plant
See if you can find the use of these actual action words in relation to gaining faith within his talk.  All were used but one was only alluded to unless you can find it.
  The daily use of the actions regarding faith will then result in being able to testify and know that Jesus is the Christ and that Joseph Smith was a Prophet.
  This would be a good talk to use in a Family Home Evening with a game being made at the end using the 7 words in some activity.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Let There Be Light! - Quentin L. Cook

  Elder Cook gives us a commentary on the declining morality of the nations of the world and how we should and must relate to it.  "...we need to do our best to preserve light and protect our families and communities from this assault on morality and religious freedom.  Rather than repeat the factors that we have heard often and try to live, I would suggest that a detour to the reference to the commencement address given by Clayton Christensen at South New Hampshire University last year.  The title and topic may be important to our quest to understand a live a better and more careful life.  "The Importance of the Right Question" leads to thinking about how we might better approach our life's journey.  He says; "Unfortunately, most of us are so eager to formulate the right answer and then begin implementing it that we often forget to think about whether the right question has been asked."  Here are the questions he recommended to the graduates to ask themselves:

  • What is the purpose of my life?
  • Does my behavior reflect the instincts of honesty, integrity, respect and consideration for others that must be my contributions to our nation?
  • If not, what changes must I resolve to make?
  • How can I do for others the things that bring me enduring happiness?
  If you really have the desire and time to ponder (and interpret the old scottish language), I recommend finding the Robert Burns poem referred to in Note 21 of Elder Cook's talk.  It is sweet and brings our focus back to the foundation of family.  This effort to ponder and understand has great blessings in store for each humble seeker.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Agency: Essential to the Plan of Life - Robert D. Hales

  It is interesting that the online dictionary had 10 definitions of the word "agency" and not one of them expressed the most important defininition in light of our happiness and progress.  That definition is key to our understanding the plan of salvation and happiness.  "Agency is to act with accountability and responsibility for our actions."
  I loved the story, oft repeated, of painting himself into a corner.  We do not always see the impending consequence of a choice, but perhaps with more care in our choices we can at least avoid our self-imposed consequences or corners.
  "Selective Obedience" illustrated by the story of Saul is always a risk in our lives.  Perhaps one of the most important issues with our society is the selective obedience regarding debt.  It is easy to think that debt is ok when used to start or build a business.  Isn't that different from credit card debt or other personal debt?  But his counsel is; "As we obey the counsel to avoid and get out of debt now, we use our agency and obtain the liberty to use our disposable income for helping and blessing others."  At least in this matter, are we like Saul being selectively obedient?
  We should use this test in conjunction with prayer whenever our personal wisdom seems to be contradicted by scripture or prophetic counsel.  This tool is readily available, now more than ever.
  It is wonderful that when we find ourselves "painted into a corner" we have the opportunity to repent and therefore pay the price to get back.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Of Things That Matter Most - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

  In reading President Uchtdorf’s talk, several things resound to experiences more current and also on point for me.  Talking about slowing down for the “speed bumps” we understand this at one level in North America.  In Brasil however, it has a much more poignant meaning.  The name of these very large bumps here is “quebra molas” or translated “break the shocks.”  If you do not slow down, you will very likely break the shocks or maybe even worse.  Like the speed bumps of life, sometimes here they are not marked and at night you may hit them at speed to your detriment. 
  Commenting also about “...what does it have to do with flying an airplane?”  I remember early in my flying lessons coming in too low and too slow for a landing at the Glendale airport.  I became very concerned as I could see the large vehicles on Grand Avenue there in front of us.  I expected my instructor to take over and make the corrections needed but he just sat there with his arms folded and asked; “what are you going to do, let us crash?”  The natural response to this situation would have been to pull back on the yoke and lift the plane higher, but that would have had the most dangerous effect of slowing the plane down, perhaps even to the stall level.  Fortunately, I remembered to apply power and slowly seek the appropriate approach configuration.  The same lesson is here to approach challenges and difficulties carefully and appropriately and not to overreact and make it worse.
  While not expanding our "to do list," his counsel includes these four important activities to improve upon:
  1. First, our relationship with God is most sacred and vital.
  2. Our second key relationship is with our families.
  3. The third key relationship we have is with our fellowman.
  4. The fourth key relationship is with ourselves.
  I love this talk and am so thankful for this Senior Mission time where we have been given the gift of time to use in these most important relationships.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reflections on a Consecrated Life - D. Todd Christofferson

  The two gifts, time and freedom of choice must be accounted for.  A consecrated life will be moving a person in the direction of God's life.  The five elements of this life are purity, work, respect for one's physical body, service and integrity.  Three things to repent of and what to replace them with:
  Stubborness --- Submission
  Rebellion --- Desire for Correction
  Rationalization --- Acceptance of all the Lord may require
  Regarding work and service, I loved the story of his grandfather and the sheep.  It is still hard to picture shearing 287 sheep without electric clippers, especially when I can't picture the manual tool that must be used to do this.
  I now know that moving towards the consecrated life will also bring the blessings of the Spirit in ways we  do not understand or expect and some of the lessons will be very hard indeed.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Gospel Learning and Teaching - David M. McConkie

Our calling is all about this talk.  It is right there for any teacher in our family to read, research and live by the advice given in this great presentation.  We are all teachers throughout our lives and therefore the principles discussed here or those alluded to by the references can raise the effectiveness of all teaching, beginning in our homes.  The four points:
First, immerse yourself in the scriptures.  Since our mission began here we have read on a program on a daily basis.  What a difference it makes in inviting and feeling the spirit in all we do.  It has been a matter of gradual improvement for me as the principles are applied more consistently.  There is always time for this in every life when committed to do it.
Second, apply in your life the things that you learn.  There are always some things that need improvement. We talk about them and make changes.  Personally, the habit of writing in my journal daily and daily scripture study have been at the top of great changes in my life.
Third, seek heaven's help.  Prayers are part of every day here in Brasil.  The part that we are working on involves taking time and "listening" or "feeling" the responses as the spirit guides our planning and when thinking about the people we are serving.
Fourth, brothers and sisters, it is of utmost importance that we exercise our agency and act, without delay, in accordance with the spiritual promptings we receive.   The "act" part of this is always a challenge.  If we are inspired to do something, interuptions, other priorities and just procrastination seem to work against this advice.  We are working together here to do better at carrying out our plans in spite of the detours that fall in our path.
We will be using this talk often in our In-service classes.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Obedience to the Prophets - Claudio R. M. Costa

  When I served in Santos, Brasil for a few weeks, Elder Costa was about 13.  I don't know when he was baptized, but probably I did not know him.  You might be interested to know that his quote from the 5th paragraph of his talk actually comes from the Portuguese edition of the triple combination, The Guide for the Study of the Scriptures.  You will not find it in your English scriptures but it is a direct translation of our Portuguese books.  That Guide is a great resource for teaching the Gospel here in Brasil.
  In his use of the "Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet," he left us the challenge to regarding the last six of the fourteen.  It was a family home evening challenge.  He said " find these principles in the words and teachings of our living prophets, seers, and revelators during this general conference."  I will make my own list of these last 6 and discuss them with Shirlyn as we read the talks.
  It would be well to read again his information regarding Brasil connected to the Second Fundamental in his talk.  The first Apostle to bless Brasil with a prophecy was Elder Melvin J. Ballard in 1925.  It is all coming to pass as we observe and serve here.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stay on the Path - Rosemary M. Wixom

  This important and timely message said "Take my hand. Hold on tight.  We will stay on the path together back to our Heavenly Father."  It then referred not only to parents and grandparents but to neighbors and friends.  Shirlyn is a new "best" friend to many little children in our meetings here in Brasil.  They run to her and she always has a smile and something in her purse to help the parents keep them calm during the meeting.
  The daily scripture reading emphasis as a habit gives children comfort with scriptural language and to hear a parent bear testimony.  It improves the spirit in the home.
  "The world will teach our children if we do not, and children are capable of learning all the world will teach them at a very young age.  What we want them to know five years from now needs to be part of our conversation with them today."  I don't remember talking to her about that "five year" thing.
  The use of the victory arch after a soccer game is engraved in my mind after so many games in our past.  What a great simile of an important truth.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Because of Your Faith - Jeffrey R. Holland

  Wow!  What a challenge to improve in the attribute of Gratitude.  The story of President Faust and his Grandmother.  To feel the omission of such a simple thing as not helping fill the wood box has hit me very hard.  Perhaps some time in each days prayers would help us identify the things we should do now to express our Gratitude some way in each day is the message I want to carry forward.  There is so much to be greatful for.  Right now, I am greatful to still have Mom and Dad to express Gratitude to them now, by writing and by Skype.  I am so greatful for our family.  Each child and grandchild is an inspiration and an addition to earthly happiness every day.

As We Meet Together Again - Thomas S. Monson

  To the young men... Seminary and Institute are the current "School of the Prophets" for us and the lessons there will remain with us.  While difficult for parents, Seminary allows choices of friends with family standards.  Today for the young families, use something from Preach My Gospel, perhaps as part of a short "Devotional" address in each Family Home Evening.
  Mature brothers and sisters... After six months here, it is evident that more senior couples are needed.  This season of life is for giving and being part of the purpose of the Church.  We feel the Hand of God in our lives every single day here and love being able to share and encourage.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Conference Talk Project

Each Church Conference produces the opportunity to make committments and changes to everday life and this Project is to record some of these important influences in relation to each talk as I read them over the period of October through December, 2010.  The intent is to have read all of them in this period and note how they will affect my personal life, my relationship with my family and my influence with the people we serve in Brasil.